Soil and Groundwater Investigation

What Is Tadco’s Soil & Groundwater Investigation Approach?
Upon concluding the investigation, Tadco incorporates customized efficient remedial design processes, taking into account site conditions to be protective of surroundings.
Our regulatory-compliant data collection, in most cases, includes an evaluation of the site’s geology, hydrology, and current/historic uses or operations.
We extract target media samples to be sent for laboratory analysis utilizing the following equipment and technologies:
- Geoprobe Direct Push Rigs
- Hollow Stem Augers
- Soil Vapor Recovery Equipment
- Photoionization Detectors (PID)
- Sub Slab Soil Gas Sampling
Following the investigation, we’ll develop a remedial action work plan. Think of this as a blueprint for identifying the issue and its limits, a plan approved by client and regulatory agencies (if applicable), and an implementation of a Remedial Action Work Plan.
The ultimate goal is to assist you in obtaining a No Further Action (NFA) status. Having successfully obtained numerous NFAs, issued within days of submission to the NJDEP, Tadco is your trusted partner in your site remediation efforts.
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Empower your project with TADCO Engineering & Environmental Services. Fill out the form below to request a quote or get in touch, and let us support your engineering needs.