Soil and Groundwater Remediation
Soil and groundwater remediation is critical to achieving site closure and improving your commercial and/or residential property value.
Tadco employs innovative and cost-effective, site-specific approaches to soil and groundwater remediation as part of its tank removal and cleanup services. Having assisted clients in obtaining numerous No Further Action (NFA) letters within days of issuance, many have come to depend on Tadco’s top-notch expertise and solutions.
Why do I need soil and groundwater remediation?
If an investigation reveals that the soil or groundwater is contaminated, remediation (or cleanup) is required to meet environmental rules and regulations. This process ensures the property is free of environmental risks, clears the title, and removes potential legal and financial liabilities. In most real estate deals, the sale won’t go through until this cleanup is complete.
When underground underground oil storage tank (UST) are removed from commercial or residential properties, they’re sometimes found to have corrosion holes. These holes can develop over time due to factors like nearby electrical currents, acidic soil, or groundwater exposure. This damage can cause oil or other substances to leak into the surrounding soil and groundwater. If this contamination isn’t addressed, it can hurt the property’s value and create environmental hazards. Even worse, the property owner is responsible for cleanup costs, no matter when the contamination happened.
Tadco’s soil and groundwater remediation procedure:
Tadco complies with the NJDEP’s Soil Cleanup Criteria to ensure contaminants do not exceed harmful levels. We also ensure to meet the NJDEP Technical Requirements for Site Remediation N.J.A.C. 7:26E.
Tadco will remove the impacted soil utilizing an excavator. Once the cleanup level is achieved, soil and groundwater samples will be collected and forwarded for laboratory analysis for the applicable parameters. The Remedial Action Report (RAR) will be prepared and submitted to NJDEP. Ultimately, this will result in a No Further Action (NFA) letter, signifying the closure of the open case.
Useful Links:
Unregulated Heating Oil Tank Program (UHOT): allows licensed environmental professionals and sub surface evaluators to investigate and remediate contaminated unregulated heating oil tanks. The NJDEP issues an NFA upon successfully meeting The Technical Requirements for Site Remediation.
NJDEP UST Fund Cost Guide: a resource for oil tank installation, removal and remediation services; covers cost by type of service and size.
Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Remediation, Upgrade and Closure Fund: financial assistance (grants and loans) for UST closure and remediation. Includes eligibility criteria and application procedures.
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